Considering the fact that all my music, let alone, my whole iTunes library does not fit on my iPhone, I had to create a way to always have the music that I like the most. The solution was smart playlist. This way I never have to mess with anything more than once, and will always have a consistent library that updates based on what I like the most. With an exception to one playlist which is designated for my iPhone for the songs that for whatever reason don't fall under any of my smart playlist; or for the ones I know I want on my iPhone.
To create a smart playlist open iTunes and go to File> New Smart Playlist... or just press ⌘-⇧-N (Command-Shift-N).
Once you create a smart playlist you can then add rules. Rules are simply just filters to make the playlist get what you want, and only what you want. Below are 5 different examples you can use to get you started.
To create a smart playlist open iTunes and go to File> New Smart Playlist... or just press ⌘-⇧-N (Command-Shift-N).
Once you create a smart playlist you can then add rules. Rules are simply just filters to make the playlist get what you want, and only what you want. Below are 5 different examples you can use to get you started.