
iPhone Copy & Paste Finally Here!

Finally, someone has enabled copy and paste on the iPhone. No it is not Apple, but it is very good, and works in any application. Using "Clippy", you can officially copy and paste anywhere where you can type on your iPhone! This add-on is available through Cydia, and is at least for the moment free.

The video below demonstrates the features.

To install it, first you must have a jailbroken iPhone. iClarified has a nice guide for both Mac and Windows. If you already have a jailbroken device, then you are good to go. Just open Cydia, and under search for "Clippy Beta" (without quotation marks of course)> Then install and respiring...to see it in use, or how to use it just watch the video. Oh and by the way, if you are wondering I am controlling on my iPhone from my Mac using VNC.

Can't view Flash? Watch the movie using Quicktime, or right on your iPhone!