
Facebook Messenger in iChat

While may people today use Facebook as a main form of communication, the one area the site has yet to really improve on is their built in messenger. While the current version is efficient, it is not always the cleanest, and can be annoying to use depending on what else you are doing, aside from the fact that you have to have Facebook open to stay signed in.

One option is to use Adium, which works great as it is highly customizable, the other is to use the more simplified and Mac like iChat. Simply go to add a new account using the following settings:

Account Type: Jabber
Account Name: Username@chat.facebook.com (User Your Username)
Password: Your Password
Server: chat.facebook.com
Port: 5222
User SSL: No
User Kerberos v5 for authentication: No

Now click done and close that Facebook window because you can now stay signed in through iChat!
