What is it that you like, what topics? What about videos? Do you like them? I know I have primarily been posting on Mac related things lately, do you like that? I have not posted on Windows in a while as I do not use it much, but will be posting some cool trick I learned in Windows before I forget them all... Like when I post links to PDF files? Are you subscribed to my blog in iTunes yet? Want to know how to do something like this yourself?
Let me know you want more of, simply leave a comment saying whatever it is that you want more or less of. If you have noticed I will always add a followup if I make a mistake, do you like if that follow up is added to a separate post so you can know when something has changed, or does that sort of thing annoy you?
Let me know you want more of, simply leave a comment saying whatever it is that you want more or less of. If you have noticed I will always add a followup if I make a mistake, do you like if that follow up is added to a separate post so you can know when something has changed, or does that sort of thing annoy you?