While, as easily as iPhone users can insert symbols as they type, they can also insert foreign symbols and other characters that do not appear on they keyboard by holding down their finger on certain keys. The extra characters only show up if you hit that button directly, so if you hit the button next to it and just slide your finger over (without lifting your finger) nothing is going to pop-up. To select a special character just keep your finger held down and slide it over to the character you want.
Take a look at the picture below to see the actual characters, I can not put all of this post for some reason, but the picture on my iPhone correctly displays them.
The layout is as follows:
The layout is as follows:
(A) Aà áâääæãåÄ
(C) CçÄ
(E) Eeèéêêë
(I) IîïïìÃ
(L) LlÅ
(N) NñÅ
(O) OoôöòòõóÅø
(S) SsÃÅÅ¡
(U) Uûüùú
(Y) Yÿ
(Z) Zzźžż
(?) ?¿
(!) !¡